Just came back from the summer school Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles: Design, Perception, and Control held at ATH Zurich and organized by the EC FP7 project “sFly” (FP7-231855). A great experience and a chance to meet people and take a look at what is the state-of-the-art in small flying robots.
With very important speakers like Marc Pollefeys and Vijay Kumar this intensive course covered most of the aspects involved in designing and controling small flying robots.
Some interesting links to remember:
- Summer school home page
- Ascending Technologies GmbH
- Home of the flying machine arena
- Project SenseSoar
- sFly: Swarm of Micro Flying Robots
- Coax downloads from Skybotics
- A Video of the Quadcopter
- Aggressive Maneuvers for Autonomous Quadrotor Flight
- Aggressive Quadrotor Part II
- Quadrocopter Ball Juggling, ETH Zurich
- sFly European Project youTube channel
Some photos from Zurich and the ETH/Summer school: