
sepdek August 30, 2022

Definition Typically, three Pythagorean means are defined and constitute the classical means used in various scientific fields; they are the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean, and the harmonic mean. Pythagoreans are reported to have first studied these means, along with later generations of Greek mathematicians, and this is why the means got the name ‘Pythagorean’. […]

sepdek February 4, 2022

A Brief History of Colour Theory tells the story of almost two and a half millennia, written by protagonists of a variety of characters. In the era of philosophy, colour science was founded upon logic, experience and philosophical worldviews. During the middle ages, the theory shifted towards experimental verification, although still strongly influenced by personal […]

sepdek March 29, 2020

In a recent post (Analysis of live COVID-19 data – a MATLAB/Octave approach) I described how it is possible to analyse live COVID-19 data from reliable online data sources and create intuitive graphical representations. Apparently, this task is also simple when using Python programming language. To this end, a Colab Python notebook was created to […]

sepdek March 25, 2020

Analysis of (time-series) data being collected in (near) realtime often provides insight for a process underway. As the current situation with COVID-19 is still critical lots of data are being collected, curated and streamed throughout the world, and researchers strive to get the most out of them to identify patterns and, maybe, make predictions. In […]

sepdek February 16, 2018

Clustering is an important category of machine learning methods and a main form of unsupervised learning. Clustering is essentially distinctive and substantially different from the other dominant form of machine learning, classification, in that it does not rely on training (supervised learning). In principle, clustering represents any method that tries to identify and distinguish groups […]

sepdek January 23, 2018

This post serves as a practical approach towards a vectorized implementation of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm mainly for MATLAB or OCTAVE applications. EM is a really powerful and elegant method for finding maximum likelihood solutions in cases where the hypothesis involves a gaussian mixture model and latent variables. Introduction EM is connected with the […]

sepdek October 13, 2016

This post serves as a cheat sheet for differentiation. It just includes the most basic of the rules to be remembered when computing derivatives. First a little reminder on the notation being used in differentiation. Leibniz’s notation for the first derivative of a function f(x) is Newton’s notation for the first derivative of a function […]

sepdek October 12, 2016

There is a really large number of applications in engineering, in which the identification of critical points of a function is crucial for the analysis and modeling of a process or a system. Generally, one may identify three kinds of critical points, that is (a) maxima, (b) minima and (c) saddle or stationary inflection points. […]

sepdek October 9, 2016

A function is a rule that maps each of the elements in a domain to one and only one element in a range. The set of all possible elements in the input is the domain D of a function; the set of all possible elements in the output is the range R of a function. […]