mac os x

sepdek May 16, 2018

The official Dropbox client application, at least to date, supports one and only one user account per personal computer user. This means that if a user has multiple accounts there is no official way to synchronise all Dropbox accounts under one personal computing device user account. Nevertheless, it is fairly easy and simple to activate […]

sepdek October 7, 2017

Everyone loves automation. Automation is conservation of energy; its like the habits we people are into, the habits that seem to be there for all living entities. One great automation option we may enjoy in our everyday work is that provided by the operating systems on our computers to perform tasks for us. One such […]

sepdek March 19, 2011

Just tested the Retro-photography app “Lo-Fi” @ and seems to be producing rather impressive results. Some of my Lo-Fi photo tests are included in this article.