When something that should be obvious is not so obvious after all.
Recently I heard a lot of people complaining getting charged for Skype calls to a UK number +44870835190.
Skype people respond to such queries with answers like:
Please get in touch with Skype Customer Service.
This FAQ should be helpful: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10384/
Check last section “Your card has been used fraudulently”
So in order to protect myself against similar attacks I logged in my Skype account to check my settings and my subscriptions. I noticed that I (thankfully) had provided a Paypal account for Skype charges, which I suppose is better than giving Skype my credit card details.
Nevertheless, I decided to delete my billing data, just in case…
I opened the appropriate webpage only to find out that Skype cannot cancel the billing agreement with Paypal. It just pointed me to login to Paypal. Well, one might say, OK. Login to Paypal and work things out there. But, where is that choice to cancel the Skype-Paypal agreement?
Well after a little here and there, here it is: walk through the menus as follows:
My account > Profile > My Money > My preapproved payments > Update
There are all billing agreements that third-party sites have made for you with Paypal.
Select Skype from the Merchant list and hit Cancel on Status.
Just canceled Skype preapproved payments on PayPal…
Thank you very much 🙂
Thanks dude
Appreciate it. Just cancelled Skype pre-approved payments on PayPal.
Thanks a ton bro 🙂
Thanks for your help, couldn’t find where to cancel on Paypal until I found your site!
these are not just PREapproved… when you buy more credit or restore a phone number you get charged at the +44 number…Apparently it is a Skype billing number. As long as the credit goes to your own account you might have just made a purchase and forgot. But shutting off the pre-approved top-ups is probably a better way to go!